Legacy dredge primer 2019
Legacy dredge primer 2019

legacy dredge primer 2019

No win rates, Mythic Rank, or 'I made Mythic with this!' in post titles. Further actions of this nature will result in a permanent ban. Derogatory/abusive comments will get one warning and a temporary ban from the Mods.

legacy dredge primer 2019

Spike will borrow other players’ decks."ĭo you love Magic, but dislike the competitive, play-to-win atmosphere? Check out /r/magicTCG! Subreddit RulesĬomments should be constructive. Spike does not care about deck price, spike will copy decks off the Internet. To accomplish this, Spike will play whatever the best deck is. This subreddit's goal is to provide players with a place that has a serious atmosphere devoid of jokes, memes and low-effort content in order to help more spikes better themselves at magic. Being a spike isn't about winning, but the desire to win and improve. r/spikes is about improving your skills in competitive environments. The serious, play-to-win side of the Magic: The Gathering community.

Legacy dredge primer 2019